Labour in the Bitch

What to expect Labour occurs in 3 stages Stage 1: Getting ready Buy a digital rectal thermometer and assess her body temperature, 37.2-39.2 C is normal The Bitch’s rectal temp will drop to as low as 35-36 C when stage 1 starts She may start panting, look...

Insect Stings

Bee Stings Remove the stinger as soon as possible -if removed within 15 sec severity is much less Apply a compress made up of a paste of baking sodaTry an antiperspirant if you have no baking soda. Aluminium chlorohydrate reduces the effect of bee venom Apply cold!...

Bite Wounds

Dealing with bite wounds Cat and dog bites can result in nasty infections no matter how superficial or small the initial wound may seem. This is because the teeth and claws of our pets harbour a variety of bacteria that can enter the wound when a bite or scratch...